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SME grants up to 45% available – call us on 01386 80 2020 to find out more

Smart Export Guarantee  – SEG

This government backed scheme provides a competitive way to encourage Solar Photovoltaic Renewable Energies to be installed in the UK. It works well.
So well that some Suppliers are being very inovative by combining with Battery top ups, are paying 15p + via SEG. The High cost of electricity also means that higher savings from Solar generated power are strongly suplemented by SEG payments  – so it’s still true – if you have spare money to invest it is still “Better than an ISA” and commercial high energy users can benefit from serious Returns on Investment (15% +) as well as providing a critical hedge against increasing energy costs.
    • Earn income from selling generating electricity back to the grid – TAX free for Domstic installations
    • Sell any energy you don’t use back to the grid. The unused energy you produce will automatically return to the grid.
    • Do your bit for the environment. We need to reduce our carbon footprint and Solar PV Renewable technologies are fundamental to this reduction.
    • Feel good! You’re making a better world for your children and grandchildren.
    Underwritten by the UK Government  – YOU chose the best payment plan
     You pay NO TAX on the money you earn from SEG. So, – if you’re a 20% rate tax payer, £200 earned from Solar PV SEG payment is worth £50 more than the same amount earned from interest on cash deposits. At 40% rate it’s worth an additional £132!
    SEG payments can vary substantially from one company to another, so it’s good to keep an eye on payment rates and remember you do NOT have to use the company that supplies you, although more companies are paying the best SEG rates but, only IF they also supply your power too.

    – But, you must waive the ‘50% of Generation Deemed Export’ payments.
    FIT paid 2 ways
    1  – For Solar power generated
    2  – ‘Deemed’ export – 50% of actual generation was ‘Deemed’ to have been exported; whether that was true or not. Its paid at approx 4-5p.
    If you choose to waive the Deemeing export element, this effectively you will be paid Actual exported power , rather than the Demmed 50% generation, under FIT rules.